Tia M. Zavaras

Attorney | Coach | Mediator

Tia received her undergraduate degree in social work from Arizona State University and her law degree from the University of Denver.

Tia spent most of her early career as a high-stakes plaintiff construction defect trial attorney. During this time, Tia became skilled at resolving complicated, multi-issue, multi-million dollar cases outside of court which resulted in the reduction of fees and stress while still obtaining positive outcomes.

One of Tia’s superpowers is that she embraces the scary changes. Following two major life events, Tia left civil litigation and decided that helping those facing one of the hardest decisions of their life was where she could help humanity most with her skill set. Tia became an owner and shareholder in two family law firms where she worked almost exclusively with high-conflict clients. 


    Tia saw firsthand the impact that more volatile cases have on the client, their children, and even the attorneys and paralegals. Tia used this knowledge to develop a level of client-centered care that went far beyond getting her client divorced. Tia partnered with experienced and knowledgeable trial counsel to build a client-focused team. Tia assisted the client on every aspect of their case which allowed their counsel to focus on the law. Often called in as “settlement counsel,” Tia utilized her peacekeeping skills to act as the catalyst to disrupt conflict and change the dialogue with the parties to encourage and facilitate compromise. 

    Tia is a certified mediator, parenting coordinator and decision-maker. Now she’s added divorce coach to her peacekeeping profile. Tia has extensive experience as a coach and is currently completing coursework to obtain her divorce coaching certification from the International Coaching Federation. She has experience coaching clients who are targets of narcissists, who are embroiled in post-divorce litigation, who are victims of abuse and trauma, and who are involved in difficult cases involving high assets. Additionally, in some scenarios, Tia helps clients navigate the divorce process without hiring counsel, thereby avoiding costly attorney's fees. 

    Tia Zavaras created Evolved Law for one reason: to reduce the suffering of those who are contemplating divorce, currently embroiled in litigation, or still licking their divorce wounds. Evolved Law provides you with an opportunity to have someone help you take a breath, evaluate the situation, and make decisions from the rational side of your brain. As a former trial attorney, Tia innately understands the financial and emotional cost of a litigated divorce and has the knowledge necessary to help you assess your options. If you must go to trial, Tia will help you put together a team of lawyers, mediators, and experts tailored to your situation. 

    Tia’s capacity for connection, emotional intelligence, experience, and wisdom from her own post-divorce high-conflict litigation, cancer survival, remarriage, co-parenting, and multiple business divorces shapes her work at Evolved Law. Tia understands that in the beginning, middle, and sometimes, end, divorce is overwhelming. She will help you face the overwhelm with courage, a rational mind, authenticity, and curiosity about what you want the next chapter of your life to look like.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Tia’s acute awareness of the emotional and financial consequences of drawn-out litigation and trial gives her unparalleled knowledge of how the judicial system works and does not work for litigants, families, and children.

Bring Peace to High Conflict Cases

Tia has experience skillfully navigating even the most complicated, high-conflict divorces. No matter what your divorce brings, rest assured Tia will help you find peace for yourself and your family throughout the process. 

Save Money for Your Future

Divorce doesn’t have to be financially devastating. Tia will help you make the right moves, so you don’t needlessly rack up legal fees. 

“I won’t let this divorce destroy you financially or emotionally. In fact, I believe you can emerge stronger than ever before.” 

-Tia M. Zavaras


Tia is an award-winning attorney with two decades of experience serving clients through her work with renowned law firms. Explore the unmatched expertise Tia brings to her work as an attorney, mediator, and coach. 

Presentations and Publications

Tia’s cutting-edge insights in family law, divorce, and ethics are featured in numerous professional presentations and publications.  Learn more about Tia’s role as a leading voice in her field. 

Client and Peer Reviews

Tia is beloved for her ability to guide her clients skillfully and compassionately through the most challenging times of their lives.  Explore the many heartfelt testimonials of Tia’s clients and peers. 

Professional Affiliations

Tia is affiliated with many professional associations, ranging from the International Coaching Federation  to the Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts. Learn more about the many ways Tia is involved in the Colorado legal community. 

Nonprofit Organizations

Tia believes in giving back to her community. Learn more about the various nonprofits Tia supports. 

Online Resources

Tia wants everyone to have access to the tools they need to divorce differently. Visit Tia’s blog for a wealth of free resources to help you on your journey.  


Tia is an award-winning attorney with two decades of experience serving clients through her work with renowned law firms. Explore the unmatched expertise Tia brings to her work as an attorney, mediator, and coach. 

Presentations and Publications

Tia’s cutting-edge insights in family law, divorce, and ethics are featured in numerous professional presentations and publications.  Learn more about Tia’s role as a leading voice in her field. 

Client and Peer Reviews

Tia is beloved for her ability to guide her clients skillfully and compassionately through the most challenging times of their lives.  Explore the many heartfelt testimonials of Tia’s clients and peers. 

Professional Affiliations

Tia is affiliated with many professional associations, ranging from the International Coaching Federation  to the Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts. Learn more about the many ways Tia is involved in the Colorado legal community. 

Nonprofit Organizations

Tia believes in giving back to her community. Learn more about the various nonprofits Tia supports. 

Online Resources

Tia wants everyone to have access to the tools they need to divorce differently. Visit Tia’s blog for a wealth of free resources to help you on your journey.  

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